Help! No more Transitions and Effects!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nick
  • Start date Start date


Help me! All of my transitions and effects have gone
missing! I only have the speed up and slow down
effects! What happened??? I didn't even do anything,
they just disappeared one day! What can I do? I tried
reinstalling Movie Maker but it didn't work! I did
notice that whil installing it gives me a message saying
that something failed to register, but the program still
works! Is this why I have no transitions or effects?
How can I fix this? Please help me!
This problem is being reported a lot recently.

I think to fix it you need to reinstall latest version of DirectX (9b).
Please report success or otherwise so that others may benefit too.

-----Original Message-----
Hi there,
Check out my website for the FAQ on Movie Maker and registering DLL's

Best Wishes.....John Kelly

I did what the FAQ said and I got the confirmation
windows saying the register was successful, but they
still aren't there! One of the dll's wouldn't register,
it said that it was an invalid dll name, but I double
checked it and it's right! I reinstalled MM2 just in
case that works, and during the installation, I didn't
get the error message about not registering, but they
STILL aren't there! Are there any other ways to fix this?
-----Original Message-----
Help me! All of my transitions and effects have gone
missing! I only have the speed up and slow down
effects! What happened??? I didn't even do anything,
they just disappeared one day! What can I do? I tried
reinstalling Movie Maker but it didn't work! I did
notice that whil installing it gives me a message saying
that something failed to register, but the program still
works! Is this why I have no transitions or effects?
How can I fix this? Please help me!
Yo man!!! the same thing happened to me!!! WTF is goin
on...same message popped up and all my effects and
transitions dissapeared cept for 2...did u find out why
this happened yet???
Hi there,

There is another more recent thread about the same problems where I have
also replied. I have not had any feed back yet and to be honest I do not
expect it to be positive...its a bit of a long stretch...but take a look and
see what you think.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Nick, did you ever find a solution to this problem? The
same thing happened to me a few days ago. I tried
everything listed here, and nothing worked. Luckily, I
have other computers that I can use, but this is crazy!
My computer was recently infested with some nasty
spyware, and I'm wondering if that might have something
to do with the problem.

Also, I had added a bunch of sound effects to my
collections. The disappeared, also!

I'm anxious to hear if your video effects are back!


Can you please post the details of the spyware. This might be the clue we
have been looking for.

John Kelly said:
Hello There,

To all of you who sent emails about the website, and for any of you who
might wonder what's going on....I took an overdose of idiot pills some time
this afternoon....and deleted most of the website from the server!!! I
actually sat there watching one directory after another vanish and thinking
"that seems to be taking rather a long time" Well it took long enough for
most of the site to disappear.

The complete web site is now uploading, as it is rather large this will
take some time to achieve So please hang on...service will be resumed as
soon as the idiots pills wear off!

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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