Help Needed ...

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I sure that someone may have ask this question already ... but I dont find
anything so i'll ask it again ... Sorry for the one who will have to answer
this question one more time .

I have a form base on a query and everything works properly, but when the
user start to use the mouse wheel to scroll into the diferent records ...
well the result are not so great.

(Ex of the form)
On the form I have information regarding a Client (ID,name,address,tel, etc),
on the subform I have information regarding every report we have on a
specific Client (ID, Report number, description, etc) The relationship is 1
to N.

So my question is: It is possible to (by programmation) block the effect of
the mouse wheel ??? So that the user will have to use the built new button
(find a report) instead of just scrolling. I know it's kind of illogical to
take off this ability but in this case I have to protect the user against
themself !!


Stephane Pelletier