Help needed. Website acts funny now not able to access

Jul 11, 2006
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Accessing a major UK website on a daily basis, selecting various options which open in new windows. 2 windows open together, one starts registering a very rapid keypress on it. I close the window in front which re-opens itself automatically and keypress detection starts again.
Close window and quit quickly to site's main menu. Under all the main pages headings text now replaced with "Language Pack Uninstalled" or something SIMILAR - this is from memory!!
Access another part of website, all link titles now saying the same. Exit the website. Now I am unable to access the site at all (just receiving the ususal browser message "This page cannot be displayed") like the site is down, except can access from any other computer.
All other websites I can access fine, just this one that had a funny turn. It's a monthly subs site so not happy as I don't have a clue what has happened. All other sites are working fine. I'm using Windows XP professional and would appreciate any advise as to what has been knocked sideways on my computer? (Virus check is clear).
what does the owner of the site have to say?

Have you tried clearing the temporary internet files, cookies etc...etc...?


Cleared everything (that I know how to clear) used a Microsoft application that clears registry, all internet history etc etc. Site owner not got back to me yet, they normally take a day or two - though I'm not holding my breath they'll be of much help. I'm guessing something has happened on my computer, just frustrating as every other website is working fine.
nomis said:
Is it an Adult Site?

Not technically no. IE it's not one of those dodgy sites with millions of pop-ups, redirectors or nasty things waiting to impant themselves onto your computer.
GreatWonder said:
Not technically no. IE it's not one of those dodgy sites with millions of pop-ups, redirectors or nasty things waiting to impant themselves onto your computer.
"Not technically no" so it's a subscription site, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more guv :rolleyes:
Install, update & run ...

SpyBotSearch&Destroy, MS Windows Defender, Ad-AwareSE, SpywareBlaster ... you can get al of them from HERE then go get CCleaner careful NOT to install the Yahoo toolbar ... if they all fail then post your HJT log and we'll take a look.

For a decent AV program, consider Anti-Vir (free) or KAV (paid) ... anything else is just FUD. :thumb:

nomis said:
"Not technically no" so it's a subscription site, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more guv :rolleyes:
A bit presumptuous of you, isn't it?

I'm watching you.

If you have nothing useful to say ... then don't say anything. :)
muckshifter said:
A bit presumptuous of you, isn't it?

I'm watching you.

If you have nothing useful to say ... then don't say anything. :)
Just thought the bit about "not technically no" meant that their was a bit of sleaze involved.
Happy to leave, just thought that it was light humour thats all. Bye:(
muckshifter said:
Install, update & run ...

SpyBotSearch&Destroy, MS Windows Defender, Ad-AwareSE, SpywareBlaster ... you can get al of them from HERE then go get CCleaner careful NOT to install the Yahoo toolbar ... if they all fail then post your HJT log and we'll take a look.

For a decent AV program, consider Anti-Vir (free) or KAV (paid) ... anything else is just FUD. :thumb:


Thanks for the pointers. I have SpyBot already but installed and ran the other programs which came back clear (except one which had the usual adware files on it, nothing I haven't had on my computer at one time or another).

The site im referring to is basically a chat site, yes for over 18's and yes there's adult material available if you choose to view it, though I don't think the content is too important.
Due to my personal situation and the basis I spend a lot of time infront of my PC - with many friends on this site, I'm going to find this a major lifeline to the outside world taken away! I know only a small amount about computers which doesn't help either.
Anyway I have run all the clean-up programmes in existence, have had no word back from the site and am no nearer to understanding why just this one site out of the whole internet will now not load. The browser just states "Opening page:xxxxxxxx", hangs, displays "connecting to site XX.XXX.X.X, hangs then the ususal "The page cannot be displayed" screen appears.
Since the unusual behaviour from the site yesterday (which looked like it was behaving due to a glitch / bug in their software) then the text on the site being replaced (something about a language pack) but this would not just affect this 1 site? It's done something between my computer and the site communicating correctly.

Any final advice gratefully received.
pcreview is my home ... I know how you feel ;-)

Well glad to know it ain't no nastie involved ... have you given Firefox a shot at it, FF does not have activeX so unless you need that give it a whirl.

Send me an email to my gmail email in my sig ... theres good english for you ... and I'll have a look. oh, I wont be announcing to the world what the site is ... up to you.