Help needed to determine performance degradation

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We have a client server application written in C# which
makes a series of calls to the database using a third
party .net provider. The .net provider resides on the
client workstation and the database resides on a different
machine. The .net code loops thru the DataReader to
create application level objects which are then accessed
by the UI. As the network delays increase, the data access
degrades which is to be expected. But what I see is that
the application object creation times / execution times
also increase. This I infer from the logs being
maintained by the application. It is as if every part of
the client application has adapted to the "Slowness" of
the network. I am looking for clues here why the other
regions have gotten slow. The application does not use
threads and is "fully synchronous". Any pointers as to the
cause of the issue greatly appreciated
We have a client server application written in C# which
makes a series of calls to the database using a third
party .net provider. The .net provider resides on the
client workstation and the database resides on a different
machine. The .net code loops thru the DataReader to
create application level objects which are then accessed
by the UI. As the network delays increase, the data access
degrades which is to be expected. But what I see is that
the application object creation times / execution times
also increase. This I infer from the logs being
maintained by the application. It is as if every part of
the client application has adapted to the "Slowness" of
the network. I am looking for clues here why the other
regions have gotten slow. The application does not use
threads and is "fully synchronous". Any pointers as to the
cause of the issue greatly appreciated

Going from something I encountered a while back, you may want to check
memory management. As the application gets slower, is the memory increasing?
TaskManager will tell you, and a memory profiler will help you track what's
not getting released.
Hi Brian
I understand that the garbage collection being non-
deterministic in .net and I will certain be running the
profiler on the application. What I am not able to figure
out is the following
The database server and database are the same, the queries
being run are the same, it is the exact same workstation
which is being moved from the LAN to the WAN but why does
the whole application "slow" down on the WAN rather than
just the data access region.
If I understand correctly, the UI is actually being generated from what the
database returns? If so, then a slowdown in database access would slow down
UI generation. Am I missing something? Incidentally, scenarios like this are
good candiadates for using threads.