help needed on ppc socket



hi all,
i want to transfer file from ppc to pc using socket via bluetooth in use vs2003,i want coding part only


Sounds like you need an application instead of using ASP.NET. ASP.NET is very
limited for mobile devices - hence the effort is huge.

There is no SerialPort class in CF1.0 but I believe OpenNETCF has written
one that you can use for the bluetooth code. This is only required in pre-WM
5.0 devices of course.

The easiest solution is to write a CF app that uses Web Services to receive
the file and use the SDF for the bluetooth support - but not knowing much
about your requirements it is difficult to say. I also advise you upgrade to


Nino Benvenuti

Simon is spot-on here. Using ASP.NET [mobile controls] makes no sense for an
application that is to leverage Bluetooth to perform file transfers. You
might also want to check out the excellent 32Feet.NET library
( ) for working with Bluetooth.

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