Bob Vance
My database for Invoice/Statements is based on say 2 Tables Invoices (Money
Owed) and Table (Amount Paid) each have ClientID Numbers
But this format means adding up all totals for each ClientID, What I am
looking for is a system that totals each of the last 3 Months for each
ClientID, so at the end of each month it creates a total the last total 3
Months would include all Expenses not paid 3 Months back. Is there some
simple written procedure I can follow to do this! or maybe a sample
Owed) and Table (Amount Paid) each have ClientID Numbers
But this format means adding up all totals for each ClientID, What I am
looking for is a system that totals each of the last 3 Months for each
ClientID, so at the end of each month it creates a total the last total 3
Months would include all Expenses not paid 3 Months back. Is there some
simple written procedure I can follow to do this! or maybe a sample