help needed in c!!

Aug 25, 2007
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hi, i need some help in c. At the moment i have some c code that goes to a text file and print off the lines on to a lcd. I was just can you read a html file instead of a text file??? here is how i read the text file...

f1 = fopen("some.txt","r");






any ideas are welcome. thanks.
I've moved this to the programming forum.

Yes, I don't see why you couldn't read an HTML file, just change the line with .txt in it to html:

f1 = fopen([color=#a31515]"some.html"[/color],[color=#a31515]"r"[/color]);

However... the problem will be that it shows the HTML code and not the parsed HTML. Doing that would be MUCH more complicated, and beyond the scope of my coding skills :o
o didn't know there was a programming forum, lol. Thanks for moving it.
I see, so i be able to read the html but all the code, which i don't what. I guess i have to think of another way around this problem. Thanks anyway.
What is it you are trying to do, as there may be another way round it :)
Dont worry because i solved it!! i wanted to read html with a rss on it and then use the c code i have to download that to my lcd. However i worked out a way to use javascript to download the rss and put it in to a text file. And since i already know how to get data from a text file to the lcd using my c code, i solved it.:) Thank you for offering tho!:thumb: