Help needed from WP users

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When I was working I used WP5.1 and by using the number pad you could type in
Arithmetic fractions, French accents, etc. Is there any one out there that
can give me some help in finding these codes when I am using WP11.
elr said:
When I was working I used WP5.1 and by using the number pad you could type
in Arithmetic fractions, French accents, etc. Is there any one out there
that can give me some help in finding these codes when I am using WP11.

You should post your question in a Word Perfect newsgroup. This one is for
the Windows XP operating system. Here's information about Corel's news
server and groups:

elr said:
When I was working I used WP5.1 and by using the number pad you could
type in Arithmetic fractions, French accents, etc. Is there any one
out there that can give me some help in finding these codes when I am
using WP11.

You are obviously in the wrong newsgroup, but to answer your question,
Ctrl-W brings up a place to choose special characters.

| Thanks for nothing
| "Malke" wrote:
| > elr wrote:
| >
| > > When I was working I used WP5.1 and by using the number pad you could
| > > in Arithmetic fractions, French accents, etc. Is there any one out
| > > that can give me some help in finding these codes when I am using
| >
| > You should post your question in a Word Perfect newsgroup. This one is
| > the Windows XP operating system. Here's information about Corel's news
| > server and groups:
| >
| >
| >
| > Malke
| > --
| > MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
| > Elephant Boy Computers
| >
| > "Don't Panic"
| >
elr said:
When I was working I used WP5.1 and by using the number pad you could type in
Arithmetic fractions, French accents, etc. Is there any one out there that
can give me some help in finding these codes when I am using WP11.

Use WordPerfect's Help files to learn how to enter ASCII characters,
use WinXP's Character Map, or ask this question in the correct place: a
newsgroup dedicated to Corel products and/or WordPerfect, specifically.
This is a *Windows XP* news group.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin
You're joking, right? Seriously..of all the possible responses to Malke's
post to you, instead of thanking him for providing a link rather than
letting you try to find that group yourself, you cram your mouth full of
sour grapes and spit them at him? What an ingrate..