Help needed - forms with nested subforms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kathie Glassel via
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Kathie Glassel via

I am not new to Access, however, have not challenged myself to this degree yet! I have a database which will track clinical measures. The key components are (1) The measures entered per agency/per site (2) The client data (chart ID and questions as they relate to that patient, and then "counts/ratio" data based on that. I set the db up with a master table to collect the "like data" across all measures (Measure code, agency code, site code, time period, and contact/person fulfilling the measure data.) I then planned on setting up one table per measure that would include the link to the master table (via the measure code), then have the chart #, sex, visit date, and the yes/no responses on that chart, and the count/ratio of the yes/no responses.

My problem: I have a parent form that holds the "master table" data. I then created a subform that contains two subsubforms? One for the patient data (since I have to list multiple patients per measure I want this displayed in a datasheet format for ease of entry) AND then another subform with the count/ratio information. My problem is that I can link the datasheet subform ok, but the second, I cannot seem to get it it work as it keeps stating the patient ID cannot be null (yet the patient ID was entered in the above form and it is not on this form.)

Any ideas? Should I have done this a different way?
Any advise would be GREATLY appreciated. I have like days to work this database out to production. :(
Many thanks - Kathie
I couldn't see the forest thru the trees...I needed a separate table to collect the data - geesh