Help needed after virus?


David Brooks

Hello, I posted a question yesterday when I had to delete
a virus and then I could not get any of the executables
to run (.exe files). I received a few responses which are
greatly appreciated (Thanks...). Anyway, they mentioned
downloading a an xp_exe_fix which alters the registry to
allow .exe files to begin working. I downloaded the file
but can't run it. The system tells me that registry
editing has been disabled by my administrator. System
will also not allow me to get into the user accounts to
check because I get a rundll32.exe can not be found (goes
back to the .exe file error). Does anyone know how I can
get into the registry to fix this. It's kind of a strange
problem as I can open a file that's associated to a
program and it will run, but just trying to open the
program by itself gives me the error "windows can not
find xxxxxx.exe make sure you typed the name correctly
etc. etc. etc."

Doug Knox MS-MVP

See, Security, Disable/Enable Registry Editing Tools. Download and run this small VBS Script. If the first time its run it says that the Registry tools are Disabled, Run it again. Then import the REG file you downloaded earlier for EXE files.

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