Help! Need to share modem on Win2k.

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I am running a single Win2k Server and a single Win2k Pro workstation. I
have a USR External V.92 modem connected to the server so on occaision, I
can use RAS. I would also like to use the same modem for sending Faxes from
my Win2k Pro Machine. As far as I know, you can't share the fax services on
the Win2k server box, but is there any way to share the modem so I can use
the Fax services on my workstion? Any help at all would be greatly
appreciated. I haven't been able to find much at all in the only line help
file, and I'm still trying to figure out the best way to navigate Microsofts
Knowledge base. You can email me at hemmingway at shaw dot ca, or remove
the caps and underscores from my email address.

Thanks in advance!
You can install crappy Symantec WinFax. Another one neat solution is
Exchange+GFI FaxMaker for Exchange :-o
I'm afraid you cannot share out your modem on Win2k server. If you are
running Win2K SBS server however, you can share out the fax printer.

Vibha Rathi
Microsoft Printing,Imaging and Fax Team

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