Help need link



I need link to actual downloadable hot fix KB824301 resolves dial up issues
when using SP4. Keywords: kbbug kbfix kbqfe kbwin2000presp5fix KB824301
I am running in circles

Laura E. Hunter \(MVP\)

You need to call PSS to retrieve this update - call 1-800-642-7676 and
follow the prompts. (There's an actual option like "Press 1 if you're
calling for a hotfix.") Once you get a human being on the line, just tell
them that you need the hotfixed referenced in the KB (keep the # handy.)
They'll send a link to download the fix to an email address that you

Seriously, just give them a call. Last time I needed to do this it took
like 15 minutes total.

Laura E. Hunter
Microsoft MVP - Windows Server Networking
Author: _Active Directory Consultant's Field Guide_

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