Hi Jon,
There is also this old post from Eric Wells, if you do not like to use XLM.
'>>>>There is no easy way, as there is no name property for the Point
'object. Below you will find a function that will return a string
'corresponding to the point designation you see in the dropdown name box
'on a chart sheet (I've also included a macro that calls the function).
'The function relies on setting the MarkerStyle property of the point
'and then using a For-Next loop to identify the point index and then
'resetting the markerstyle. Note that there is no error checking to
'make sure that a point is actually selected, nor to check to see if the
'proper marketstyle is being used (if the entire series is formatted as
'xlstar, the funciton will fail - you'll have to select a different
Sub GetPoint()
Dim PointObject As Object
Set PointObject = Selection
MsgBox ReturnPoint(PointObject)
End Sub
Function ReturnPoint(PointObject As Object) As String
Dim PointMarkerStyle As Variant
Dim SeriesNum As Integer
Dim PointNum As Integer
Dim x As Integer
PointMarkerStyle = PointObject.MarkerStyle
PointObject.MarkerStyle = xlStar
With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(PointObject.Parent.Name)
SeriesNum = .PlotOrder
For x = 1 To .Points.Count
If .Points(x).MarkerStyle = xlStar Then
PointNum = x
Exit For
End If
End With
PointObject.MarkerStyle = PointMarkerStyle
ReturnPoint = "S" & SeriesNum & "P" & PointNum
End Function
'-Eric Wells
Ed Ferrero