HELP My system needs to be activated AGAIN



HELP - This same problem has happened twice in the past several months.

When I boot my Windows XP Pro system, a dialog box appears that says I need
to activate Windows, Yes or No.

If I reply yes, it goes to an activation screen and says its already
activated. If I reply no, I can't log on. Can not get into the Safe mode,
same thing happens.

This appears to be something like a virus or Trojan but I cannot do anything
with the system except a full install.

Any suggestions would be appreciated before I go through this process for
the third time.


Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Reboot to Safe Mode:
Reboot tapping F8 each second.
Select Safe Mode at the menu

Type "regsvr32.exe regwizc.dll" ENTER
Type "regsvr32.exe licdll.dll" ENTER

Activate again



I had tried a Repair but the system hung before it completed the
installation. I then did a full install and re-activated. Everything OK
right now. Many thanks for your help.



PMFBI, but I keep having the same problem, except mine hasn't expired yet
(this time). I did what you suggested below, but I still am getting the
register nag (5 days left). When I click "yes" to register, Windows just
starts up normally. "My Computer" properties shows that XP is registered,
to whom and the number key.

What the heck keeps causing this? This is the second time around for me and
from what I've seen in here, many others are also having this problem. Any
other ideas on how to get rid of the nag? If I need to do a "Repair
Install" (again), why? What is it that I'm repairing that didn't get
"repaired" last month when I did this? Thanks for helping.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

A Repair Installation usually resolves the problem.
Did you perform a Repair Installation last month for the same issue?

Some computers have this problem with SP-2 when they previously used some
utility to assist in skipping Activation.


A Repair Installation usually resolves the problem.
Did you perform a Repair Installation last month for the same issue?

Yes, although it did not appear to do anything. I wound up rebooting into
"F8" and selecting load last known good state, and that stopped the
nag---for a month.
Some computers have this problem with SP-2 when they previously used some
utility to assist in skipping Activation.

Computer is my wife's and she "forgot" and downloaded SP2, but I managed to
stop her before it got installed. Right now it only has SP1 installed. As
far as I know XP was activated normally as she's been running it for over a
year now before the nags started (shortly after downloading SP2).

I have until Saturday fix this (XP dies on Sunday). How bad will a "Repair"
mess things up? What all gets lost in the process?

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

All data and settings are left intact by a Repair Installation.
But it is always a good idea to have back-ups just in case.
The one thing that will be gone are all updates and Service Packs not
included on your Windows XP CD.


All data and settings are left intact by a Repair Installation.
But it is always a good idea to have back-ups just in case.
The one thing that will be gone are all updates and Service Packs not
included on your Windows XP CD.

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