Sony Vaio is stuck in "LOGGING OFF" mode.

  • Thread starter Thread starter jamsaz
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My Sony Vaio (Windows Vista Home Premium) is stuck in "Logging off" mode. No
matter what I do, Windows keeps resuming where it left off, which is
apparently in Logging Off mode. Any suggestions would be greatly
Hi, Jamsaz.

How long have you let it continue "logging off"?

It probably needs to "put away its toys", close all the open applications
and other files, then log off your account. Then it can move on to
"Shutting Down".

Usually logging off takes less than a minute, but sometimes it takes a lot
longer - mine has taken over 20 minutes sometimes. Recently, I've started
closing all applications myself, then giving Vista a few minutes before
clicking Shut Down. Now it usually powers off in less than a minute. ;<)

Are you the only logged-on user? Is your Sony new? The computer probably
is not defective, but if it is, you should be able to get it fixed or
replaced under warranty.

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail 2008 in Vista Ultimate x64)
there isn't anything running. (and even if there were, there is no way to
close any apps as the computer will only go into "logging off" mode.
cntrl-alt-delete will not work). if i let it stay in the mode it is in it
will stay that way forever. i left it alone and it stayed in "logging off"
mode for over an hour. the computer is appx. 6 months old.
Hi, Jamsaz.

I waited, hoping someone who really knows would jump in, but it looks like
it's just you and me, kid. :^{

The easy answer didn't work, so we might have to do this the hard way.

It's not clear to me exactly where you are at this point. Is your computer
shut down? When you power on, what happens - step by step, what do you see?
Does it get to the desktop before starting the shutdown?

Have you tried starting in Safe Mode? Or Last Known Good configuration? Or
any of the other options offered when you press F8 before Vista starts to

Or is this happening when you are already at the Desktop and try to Shut
Down? Sometimes this can be a hardware problem: maybe some cable has come
loose and Vista is waiting forever for confirming feedback from some device
that it has told to shut down.

I really can't visualize what you are seeing. And, since I can't see your
computer, all I know is what you tell me. I have the feeling that I'm
getting into the middle of the story. How did you get to this situation in
the first place? Was it operating normally? Then what? Did you push the
computer's power button to shut down? Or did you click Start | Shut Down?
Or Start | Log Of? Or what?

If we can't figure out the problem online, you might need to take it back to
Sony or the store where you bought it. Is that possible for you?

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail 2008 in Vista Ultimate x64)
Another possibility is that the computer was moved and reseating some boards
might help.
Thank you ggagnon!

My daughter had this prob;em and we followed your advice and it worked fine.