Help My computer Keeps Rebooting on its own

Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
Motherboard: Gigabyte Ga-Ma78Gm-S2H
Cpu: AMD Socket AM2 4800+
Memory: DDR2 667 3GB 1X1GB - 1x2GB

My computer keeps restarting its self for no reason and i donot know why :S.
I have know idear why i have no driver conflics or problems.
it is crazy i have reset my bios, flashed it, reinstalled my HDD.
I have Done a virus scan Nothing Shows up i have done a spywere scan nothing comes up.
It is a verry crazy problem i eaven have donw a regestry scan i cannot find nothing wrong it just reboots :(

Any Suggestions Are Welcome I would realy Need some help So if you can help me please let me know

Damien D
Hi Lanky

Welcome to PCR...What OS are you running..? Vista or Xp..? When you start the comp, do you get a black screen or does it go as far as logon, then re-boot..?
Could be a bad boot sector on the Hard Drive, go to the manufacterers site for you hard drive and use their diagnostic tool and see if you have any problems.
or it could be that the PSU is on it's way out or wasn't powerfull enough to start with :(
Turn OFF "auto-reboot-if-there-is-a-problem" thingie and see if you then get a BSOD.

Navigate to the Control Panel in Windows XP by left-clicking on Start, followed by Settings and then choosing Control Panel.

In the Control Panel window, open System.

Note: In Microsoft Windows XP, depending on how your OS is setup, you may not see the System icon. To correct this, click on the link on the left-hand side of the Control Panel window that says Switch to Classic View.

In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab.

Locate the Startup and Recovery area and click on the Settings button.

In the Startup and Recovery window, locate and uncheck the check box next to Automatically restart.

Click OK in the Startup and Recovery window.

Click OK in the System Properties window

From now on, when a problem causes a BSOD or another major error that halts the system, the PC will not automatically reboot. Rebooting manually will be necessary.

My first thoughts were as JaLing stated. ;)

Madxgraphics said:
Hi Lanky

Welcome to PCR...What OS are you running..? Vista or Xp..? When you start the comp, do you get a black screen or does it go as far as logon, then re-boot..?

i Am Running Xp Not vista
Xp x64 to be correct
Today i think it is due to my power suply becouse im am only running a 650w powere suply

Or a conflict whith programs dut to the fact i had he computer just runing the basics on same HDD and it Dident reboot its self


JaLing said:
Right Again :p

Glad to help :D
Sorry to upset you but i changed power suply Worked For About A week And then
It started happing im begining to think it might be a flor in the Design of my motherbord.
If anyone can give me any informaition. My motherbord it a Gigabyte Ga-Ma78gm-S2H.
lanky95 said:
Sorry to upset you but i changed power suply Worked For About A week And then
It started happing im begining to think it might be a flor in the Design of my motherbord.
If anyone can give me any informaition. My motherbord it a Gigabyte Ga-Ma78gm-S2H.

Have you treid taking onw of the memory sticks out? Did you get any error messages this time? Is the motherboard still under its warranty?

