Don White
Using Outlook 2000 SP3 with WindowsXP Pro:
This only started since we deployed Windows XP....
Certain email messages won't open. They appear to be random
messages...some with attachments of various sizes...some
with no attachment at all. Some XP systems seem to work
fine. Others are having this problem. We have "repaired"
Outlook, removed and reinstalled Outlook completely, we've
tried a totally different PC, changed network connections,
nothing seems to work and I can't find any Microsoft TID's
that talk about this problem. Does ANYone have any ideas??
Please help if you can while I still have some hair left!
This only started since we deployed Windows XP....
Certain email messages won't open. They appear to be random
messages...some with attachments of various sizes...some
with no attachment at all. Some XP systems seem to work
fine. Others are having this problem. We have "repaired"
Outlook, removed and reinstalled Outlook completely, we've
tried a totally different PC, changed network connections,
nothing seems to work and I can't find any Microsoft TID's
that talk about this problem. Does ANYone have any ideas??
Please help if you can while I still have some hair left!