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I have spent 4 hours tearing my hair out trying to save a movie in WMM2 - then I came on here checked out all the posts and PapaJohn's website - and I appear to have all the symptoms of the error message being wrong.... so I checked my QASF file and I have version 10, not 6.5 (the old one) or the reccommended 9 - yet I still cannot save to WMV - any clues what to do before I go complete stark raving bonkers!

Your help would be much much much appreciated

P.S. please dont just refer me to papajohns website cos i have looked through that and it didnt provide me with any answers because I have version ten of the qasf file!!!

Thankyou xxxx
Are you running the beta of SP2? is that where your version 10 came from?
Movie Maker 2:
PhotoStory 2:
Ames said:
I have spent 4 hours tearing my hair out trying to save a movie in WMM2 -
then I came on here checked out all the posts and PapaJohn's website - and I
appear to have all the symptoms of the error message being wrong.... so I
checked my QASF file and I have version 10, not 6.5 (the old one) or the
reccommended 9 - yet I still cannot save to WMV - any clues what to do
before I go complete stark raving bonkers!
Your help would be much much much appreciated

P.S. please dont just refer me to papajohns website cos i have looked
through that and it didnt provide me with any answers because I have version
ten of the qasf file!!!
Hello there,

There is no SP2 out yet for use by the general public. There is a
technical evaluation version available for use by experts and
Computer Nerds. It is certainly not appropriate for use by people who
are in any case having problems with their system as this version may
have problems of its own that are not yet identified or have been
identified and not yet fixed.

I should forget all about it. When Microsoft deem it suitable for the
general public it will install itself via the windows update system
Hello there,

None taken, it was not a rant though

SP2 (Service Pack 2) Is a load of software that will update XP to the
state Microsoft want it to be in. It will fix problems that do exist
and as always add a few more. The version currently available is not
for users such as goes to the trouble of telling you
that when you look it up on the Microsoft website.
SP2 is the next Windows XP Service Pack... which is out as a beta relapse.
It has a beta version of MM2.1 in it.

The beta of SP2 includes a newer version of QASF.DLL. I can see that on the
installation disc, but I haven't installed the package.

Your post is the first I've heard of a version 10. That's why I wondered if
it's from the beta of SP2.... if so, your version of Movie Maker would be
2.1 - can you check it?

Also, would you post the date and file size of your version 10 of QASF.DLL.
I can compare it to the version on the SP2 beta disc.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

The one on my SP2 beta disc is 388K and dated 3/12/04 (there might be other
SP2 beta versions)...

Here's a way to check it.... copy your version 10 file so you can put it
back if needed. Then go to version 9 by using the KB article update (link on
my Problem Solving > Can't Save Movie page).

After doing the KB article update, check the QASF.DLL file in your
Windows/System32 folder to be sure it's version 9.

Try Movie Maker.

If you need the version 10 file, you can copy it back... over the working
DLL in the System 32 folder.

I've tried various versions of QASF.DLL by swapping them out this way.... in
fact I'd appreciate you emailing me a copy of your version 10 one
([email protected]). I can try it here to see if my MM2 is effected.
Movie Maker 2:
PhotoStory 2:
Ames said:
Hey I dont have a beta of SP2.... i downloaded the update for mm2 directly
from microsoft and it is version 2.0
the size of my qasf file is 232 kb and it's dated as 27 May 2004, 03:50:32

Hope u can help because i like to send my movie over the net and saving as
an dv/avi file uses around 900mb and thats a small movie so there's no
chance of sending it!!!
i couldnt do the kb article update because when i ran it it said i already had this update.....
still no closer to solving the problem! *sigh*

will email u copy of the dll though in a mo!
Got your DLL.... and saw that it was the same size as mine. So I checked
mine and found it was version 10 dated 6/23/04 , just a slightly different
version than yours....

So a new version snuck into my laptop recently and I didn't know it. I do
know that it hasn't effected my work with MM2.

I tried yours and don't see any effect on the ability of MM2 to save movies
in WMV format. So that doesn't look like your issue.

How about installing the Encoder pack... or reinstalling it. It often fixes
issues that reinstalling MM2 doesn't.
Movie Maker 2:
PhotoStory 2:
I have SP2 on a machine and it doesnt install version 10 of qasf.dll

File version: (xpsp_sp2_rc2.040610-1520)
Date modified: 10 June 2004, 18:15:36
Date created: 26 March 2004, 10:40:15
Size: 232 KB (237,568 bytes)

So go figure.
i insalled the encoder pack.... still no joy.... any more ideas?!

P.S. Sorry I haven't replied for a while I've been in Brighton for a couple of days :)
Thanks. That ties in with my version 10 of QASF.DLL, as I'm using the beta
of WMP10 also.

But I haven't had MM2 issues with it.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

Ames said:
Hey I've rebooted my computer now, drastic measure I know but it needed
doing anyway, and WMM2 is now working! yay (for now at least) i have the
qasf version 9 now, i think version 10 came from my windows media player cos
i was using the version 10 beta!WMM2 - then I came on here checked out all the posts and PapaJohn's
website - and I appear to have all the symptoms of the error message being
wrong.... so I checked my QASF file and I have version 10, not 6.5 (the old
one) or the reccommended 9 - yet I still cannot save to WMV - any clues what
to do before I go complete stark raving bonkers!through that and it didnt provide me with any answers because I have version
ten of the qasf file!!!
Try going back to WMP9.... maybe there's something else about 10beta.
Movie Maker 2:
PhotoStory 2:
Ames said:
No sooner than I posted that last message my mm2 decided it wasnt going to
work now, although now the problem is slighly different, it starts up ok,
but then it says it's going to take infinite number of minutes then tells me
the same old message as before....
After I reformatted I didn't install wmp10 to see if thats the problem so that's nto the problem I don't know what's going on.... anything else to suggest?