
Hi All,

I have a problem and it is not really database related
but i don't really know where i should post the problem.

Here goes, I am in need of a program that allows you to
input the details of a teacher, then input the details of
a parent including who their child is. Then be able to
schedule a time for a teacher/parent interview for eg.

Teacher Wendy, interviews Parents Bob and Linda about
Student Bill from 2:00pm to 3:00pm, Wednesday, 9 June 2004

If a program allowed you to input all these details and
then do such things as:
allow you to bring up the teachers information to see
what interviews they have on for what day
print off reports of what interviews the teacher has
including parents and student details
print off reports for the parents on the teachers
information and time of the interview

As you can see i am asking alot but i am sure that i am
not the only one who has needed such a program. Can you
please to me where to buy this program or where i should
post this message.

Thankyou very much,


Hi Bob,
It is database related, at least the biggest part of it...

You could build it in Access. I am sure most of the data is available in one
of your administrative systems in your school (students and Teachers). Sof
if you can import them than you only have to enter the constraints (who is
when available or not available) and write a piece of VBA code to scedule
the appointments.
I could do that for you, but I earn my living doing this and would charge
you for that. I do'nt know if that is what you want. If you want to know
more, mail me at (e-mail address removed)

regards, Joop

Dirk Goldgar

Confused said:
Hi All,

I have a problem and it is not really database related
but i don't really know where i should post the problem.

Here goes, I am in need of a program that allows you to
input the details of a teacher, then input the details of
a parent including who their child is. Then be able to
schedule a time for a teacher/parent interview for eg.

Teacher Wendy, interviews Parents Bob and Linda about
Student Bill from 2:00pm to 3:00pm, Wednesday, 9 June 2004

If a program allowed you to input all these details and
then do such things as:
allow you to bring up the teachers information to see
what interviews they have on for what day
print off reports of what interviews the teacher has
including parents and student details
print off reports for the parents on the teachers
information and time of the interview

As you can see i am asking alot but i am sure that i am
not the only one who has needed such a program. Can you
please to me where to buy this program or where i should
post this message.

Thankyou very much,

It's quite possible such a program already exists. If you are a
teacher, ask around among your colleagues and check with teacher's
organizations and associations. If you can't find one already written,
it would be quite easy to do using Microsoft Access -- you might even be
able to do it yourself, though I know how little spare time a teacher
usually has!

Failing that, there are many people who post regularly in this newsgroup
who are professional developers and would be happy to create the
application for you, for a fee. This is not a "help wanted" board, but
if you indicate your interest in that and post an e-mail address that
can be "un-obfuscated" by a human, people will contact you. (Don't post
your true e-mail address without garbling it in some way, or you'll get
tons of spam and viruses.)

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