I posted this in the ASP forum as wel
I have an access database and using Front Page, I created an ASP pag
that displays all the results of the whole database
Is there ANY WAY I can have checkboxes next to each result and
person can check off which ones of the results he would like mor
info on and then SEND only those checked off to me in an email? I d
know how I can use parameters to be able to send an email askin
about each individual one, but I need something that works for
person to check off as many as they need
I have tried to simply put a form around the database results region
but that doesnt work
I have searched and researched and asked about this until my finger
are bleeding on the keyboard
Help me please!
I have an access database and using Front Page, I created an ASP pag
that displays all the results of the whole database
Is there ANY WAY I can have checkboxes next to each result and
person can check off which ones of the results he would like mor
info on and then SEND only those checked off to me in an email? I d
know how I can use parameters to be able to send an email askin
about each individual one, but I need something that works for
person to check off as many as they need
I have tried to simply put a form around the database results region
but that doesnt work
I have searched and researched and asked about this until my finger
are bleeding on the keyboard
Help me please!