Help me, i am stupid

Sep 30, 2005
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Hi, this will sound really stupid but i want to connect my pc to my hi-fi speakers, in the h-fi there are 2 holes, and wandered what cable iwould be needing, a link to where i can buy it woiuld be good,

are they RCA ports ? if they are you'll need a 3.5mm to stereo RCA cable
do they look like these ?


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Audio-Video TO serial cable

hey go to some audio video music store
and ask him to give you
Audio-Video TO serial cable
He would give you the required cable to connect your hi-fi speakers to computer
As Me__2001 said.

Line out from sound card/onboard sound (3.5mm stereo jack plug) to any line level input of audio amplifier ( 2 x phono plugs, sometimes referred to as 'RCA' type plugs).

It's very unlikely, but you may have 5 pin din sockets for connections to your amp, have a look.

Line level inputs include Aux; Tape 1 or 2; CD; Video. It's likely you have one of those spare.
hey thanks for help and advice, i went to a maplins and asked the guy there, cost me 8 quid, but worth it, thanks
kingnathski88 said:
hey thanks for help and advice, i went to a maplins and asked the guy there, cost me 8 quid, but worth it, thanks

Its worth every penny.. I have a similar hook up... pc to reciver(I call it a Y cable).. and reciver to tower speakers... I love it.