help...many problems...can't even run system restore



Anybody, help! Quite desperate as this is affecting my work.

Sometime ago, I installed AGV as there seemed to be lil bugs in my comp
that Norton could not get. AGV managed to detect and delete these bugs,
but not all problems were solved. Norton's subscription was up and I
was still quite peeved about Norton's inability to I
uninstalled it. Since then, there were more problems...

1) I'm unable to run help from Start...or msconfig from Start/Run or
system restore. The error message is that it can't find the file. Even
when I go to explorer to double-click the file directly, it still won't

2) I'm unable to open ANY file with MS word or powerpoint. It would say
that the file is unavailable. It would also prompt me to replace
existing file. I'm unable to do the detect and repair, it
would say error 1706...I do not have the installation CD with me

3) I'm unable to run any online virus scan (Trend, Panda...) even after
I made changes to the security settings to allow for ActiveX.

4) I'm tried to reinstall Norton, but it can't run. It says 'CFGWIZ.EXE
- Unable to locate component. . . . cctrust.dll was not found.'

I do run Spybot, Adaware, AGV, Winaso regularly.

Please help...thanks!


If you want, I can provide logs from HijackThis and SilentRunners...I'm
quite desperate...please help!

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