Help - locked out of database

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It seems that I am locked out of my database. I am not an advanced ACCESS
user but did develop a fairly decent database that meets the needs of my job.
I set up security at the beginning when I really didn't know very much.

Here is what I can tell you;

The database has 3 users - "admin", "myself" and "planner"

I belong to the Admins user group as well as the users group.
"admin" and "planner" belong to the users group.

Usually when I log in I have to enter a password, as does "planner".
However when I try to open my database know I get the message that I do not
have the necessary permissions...etc. I have always opened the database from
a shortcut on my desktop. Last week our IT did some fiddling around with
files and know it doesn't work. I have tried to open the .mdb file directly
from it's location and I get the same message.

My whole life is wrapped up in this database - any ideas. Obviously I have
some security problems - how can I fix this??

Any help appreciated.

Litespeed said:
The database has 3 users - "admin", "myself" and "planner"

I belong to the Admins user group as well as the users group.
"admin" and "planner" belong to the users group.

Usually when I log in I have to enter a password, as does "planner".
However when I try to open my database know I get the message that I do not
have the necessary permissions...etc. I have always opened the database from
a shortcut on my desktop. Last week our IT did some fiddling around with
files and know it doesn't work. I have tried to open the .mdb file directly
from it's location and I get the same message.

That's a good sign, as in this case you are trying to open the mdb using system.mdw, and you shouldn't be able to open the mdb.

IT should be able to be clearer than' fiddling around with files'; did they move them? If so, where are they.

If you can't get help from them, try doing a search for the secure mdw. It's likely that this file has been moved. You'll need to modify your desktop shortcut to point to the new location of the secure mdw. Right-click the shortcut and choose properties and look at the target line. It'll have the following in it:
"path to msaccess.exe" "path to mdb" /wrkgrp "path to secure mdw"
Hi Joan,

IT originally moved the folder that contains all my files on the network -
they embedded it in another folder (not sure why). Because they did that my
shortcut no longer worked. I went in to the properties of the shortcut just
like you mentioned below and tried to redirect it but it didn't work. IT
has, at my request, moved the folder back to its original location, but I
think when I was trying to redirect the shortcut I messed something up.

I just double checked the properties of my shortcut file (target and start
in) and they both look fine.

I have a folder on the network that contains my database.mdb file, my
databasebackup.mdb file and my secured.mdw file. I can access the mdw file
but nothing else.

I'm confused :)

When you modified the shortcut target, did you also change the path to the mdb (as well as the mdw)?
Hi Joan,

Yes I did - the target is below:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE"

It looks fine to me as the mdw and mdb are in the same folder.

Below the target, the "start in:" path is:

Which with my limited expertise looks fine as well....

Perhaps it's a Windows permission error and not Access at all.

You need, at minimum, modify permission on the folder. It's possible that you don't have enough Windows permission on this new folder.

Joan Wild
Microsoft Access MVP
Litespeed said:
Hi Joan,

Yes I did - the target is below:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE"

It looks fine to me as the mdw and mdb are in the same folder.

Below the target, the "start in:" path is:

Which with my limited expertise looks fine as well....

No - I just checked and my permissions haven't changed :(

I can open the .mdw file - is that any help?

Or I think I can log into the database from one of the planners
computers...if I just knew what to do :)

It sounds as though something is wrong with the target of your shortcut. If it works on the planner's computer, double check - what's different about their shortcut?
dang...I was sure I could get in on a planner computer-I can't. I actually
work at two separate offices and on Friday (after all the moving around of
the folders) I could open the database at my other office. I first
discovered the problem when I was at the office I am at today and it is from
this location I was playing around with targets and such. (I hope this is
making sense!)

I think I am going to have to stop at my other office on the way home and
see if it is working, and if it is I will make a note of the target. It
doesn't make sense though as I access the same V"\ drive at both locations -
only the shortcut is different. It is really confusing as well because I
never touched the shortcut on the planner computer and it is not working
either :( Shouldn't that indicate that something has changed in the mdw or
mdb file?

Okay - now I am seriously worried. I have checked the shortcut at my other
office and it no longer works.

I have poured a year into this database - is there someway to recover this?
I can't even access my backup.

Seriously concerned litespeed.
Litespeed said:
Okay - now I am seriously worried. I have checked the shortcut at my
office and it no longer works.

I have poured a year into this database - is there someway to recover
I can't even access my backup.

Seriously concerned litespeed.

If you made a note of all of the information you entered when creating your
custome workgroup file then you can re-create it using that info. Is that
an option wirth exploring?

Maybe you need to slow down; sometimes when you rush you overlook something.

1. Do the secure mdw and the mdb still both exist? Note the paths to their location. Also I wouldn't rely on mapped drives - instead note the UNC pathnames (\\servername\path\etc and not V:\)

2. Verify the path to msaccess.exe on your computer.

3. Recreate the desktop shortcut. The target takes the pattern of
"full path to msaccess.exe" "path to secure mdb" /wrkgrp "path to secure mdw"

Use the unc pathnames in the above for the mdb/mdw.
Hi Joan,

Yes, both the mdw and mdb still exist. I tried to find the unc pathnames
but was unable due to permissions - maybe I was going around it the wrong way.

I verified the path to the exe file and everything is fine.

The only other thing I can think of is when I was in the program on Friday I
did go in to permissions as I was trying to do a mail merge and I could not
access the file through the mail merge process. I don't recall making any
changes - but who knows - maybe I did inadvertently.

Due to all the problems I had at the end of last week with the folder being
moved and being unable to access the db I presumed that was the problem. The
only other thing I can think of is that we have had a few power outages over
the last couple days due to windstorms.

I contacted our IT department this morning and they are going to try and
restore my db from last Tuesday's backup. This could take several days so I
am going to keep trying to fix this myself - I am learning a great deal in
the process.

I appreciate all the help and advice - Litespeed
Hi Keith,

I don't think I kept the info - at least I don't remember! I am looking
through my files to see what I might have done with it. All I have is the
security info sheet that lists users and groups :(

Okay - so IT restored my database from over a week ago and I still can't
access it! IT checked all the permissions and everything seems to be ok.
Any further suggestions?

I managed to get in - for some reason the workgroup in my mdw file changed -
I redirected it away from the default to the one I had created and I was able
to access the restored file. This did not work on the unrestored mdb file
for some reason. Not going to worry about that right now.

Thank you Joan for all your help -