HELP: Internet Connection Sharing problem



Soory for the following long post. I have a dial up ISP and a home network
with two machines running XP Pro without any service packs and one machine
running XP Home SP2.
The machine running XP Home is the one I need to setup to be the ICS
gateway. I have tried every fix that I can find and it simply will not work.
When the machines are configured using the ICS wizard (ICS setup on the
gateway-floppy disk created-taken to cliet boxes-configuration ran) the
network stops tunnig and the client machines have AIPIA IP addresses, rather
than DHCP assigned IP addresses.
If I go in and configure the client machines manually, the network comes
back up and I can share files and printers at will over the network, but I
can not access the internet or my POP mail account.
If I configure one of the XP Pro machines manually to be the ICS gateway,
and shut off ICS on the XP home box, then everything works as it should.
With the XP Home machine is setup as the gateway, and the IP addresses are
manualy configured, the dial-up connections shows up as a network connection
on the client machines, and I can force it to disconnect or re-connect
without any problem. I just cannot access the internet. I have tried calling
up websites via the IP address in case I had a DNS issue, but that does not
work either.
I need help with this problem. TIA for any ideas. Thanks,


Jon Erlandson

"How to use Internet Connection Sharing" (from Q306126)
"To use Internet Connection Sharing to share your Internet connection, the
host computer must have one network adapter that is configured to connect to
the internal network, and one network adapter or modem that is configured to
connect to the Internet."

And you should only install ICS on the host computer.

How to configure Internet Connection Sharing in Windows XP

Troubleshooting Internet Connection Sharing in Windows XP

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