Hi Group
I want to divide one column by another column and stored that value into
third column.
Example :
Column A, Column B, Column C
I want to divide Column B by Column C and stored that value within Column A
Basically Column A is %
Column B < Column C ( always )
When I use division "/" operator it returns 0 into the Column A
Update Table Set Column A = Column b/Columb C
it gives 0 (zero) in column A
Let me know what I am doing wrong
Column A : float
column b and column c are int
I want to see % in the column A
I want to divide one column by another column and stored that value into
third column.
Example :
Column A, Column B, Column C
I want to divide Column B by Column C and stored that value within Column A
Basically Column A is %
Column B < Column C ( always )
When I use division "/" operator it returns 0 into the Column A
Update Table Set Column A = Column b/Columb C
it gives 0 (zero) in column A
Let me know what I am doing wrong
Column A : float
column b and column c are int
I want to see % in the column A