HELP! Images will not focus on Internet Explorer



Images on websites do not focus in clearly when I'm using
Internet Explorer. When I browse with AOL, images are
crystal clear-- it only happens with Internet Explorer. I
prefer Internet Explorer and I can't figure why it's
doing this on my computer. May be it's the high res
(1400x1050) that's causing a problem?

May be someone knows of a setting I need to change???


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP wrote the following message:
The reason for blurry images is that IE6 is set up to resize the
images based on the Display DPI setting. Dell ships its Inspirons
with higher DPI than the default and set IE6 to resize the image.

You can either set the DPI to the default (Normal - 96) or remove
IE6's UseHR registry key to deactivite image resizing. Here are the
relevant information (from Microsoft Knowledge Base):

Cool... Thanks for that bit of info, Frank. I printed this one out and
put it in my "odd fixes" binder if I ever run into a problem like

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Ron Reddon INVALID EMAIL said:
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP wrote the following message:

Cool... Thanks for that bit of info, Frank. I printed this one out and
put it in my "odd fixes" binder if I ever run into a problem like

I forget where I stole that one. <G>

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