Help! I'm very new at this, working with Access 2000

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nancy B.
  • Start date Start date

Nancy B.

I am creating a database for complaints. I have a main table for Complaints,
and a joined table for Illness Details. Part of Illness details are
symptoms, and a person can have many symptoms. I created a separate table
for Symptoms, linking it with the Illness Detail ID. When I try to print a
report with onesection for symptoms,(all symptoms in same box) I can not get
the multiple symptoms to print in that box. If I have more than one symptom,
my report will only print one symptom for each line, repeating all the
illness detail information for each complaint . --
Nancy B.
I would probably start with a form for complaints. Make a subform for Illness
details. Use the subform wizard (should run automatically) and let it link
this subform to the mainform (complaints.) Build another subform for Illness
Details, again letting the wizard link to the Complaints (the main part of
the form.) Go into each subform, click on properties, go to the details tab
and make sure that links are proper. On the section of the form where the
subforms are located, right click and get properties. Click on Force New Page
and set to after section. Hope that will get you started. Ask more questions
if you get lost.
Nancy B. said:
I am creating a database for complaints. I have a main table for Complaints,
and a joined table for Illness Details. Part of Illness details are
symptoms, and a person can have many symptoms. I created a separate table
for Symptoms, linking it with the Illness Detail ID. When I try to print a
report with onesection for symptoms,(all symptoms in same box) I can not get
the multiple symptoms to print in that box. If I have more than one symptom,
my report will only print one symptom for each line, repeating all the
illness detail information for each complaint . --
Nancy B.

I hope I haven't misunderstood what you want:

You may need to check a) if your database structure is correct, b) if your
Query if correct.
I think the Database should look (roughly) like this
You've got a Complaints table
ComplaintID (whatever your Primary Key field is called)

Then the Symptoms Table
SymptomID (Primary Key field)

Then the IllnessDetails table which has
IllnessDetailID (Primary Key Field)
SymptomID (link *from* the Symptoms Table *to this table)
ComplaintID (link *from* the Complaint Table)
and any other relevant fields.

If you have this structure then first add all of your IllnessDetails table
to the Query grid including ComplaintID
Then add ComplaintName (but not ComplaintID) from the Complaint Table
and Symptom (but not SymptomID) from the Symtom Table.

Insert a Report based on this query.

Use the Sorting & Grouping button in the report's Design view so that it is
grouped first by Complaint (so that you can have your Alphabetical Order)
Under that you can have ComplaintID . Give ComplaintID a Header in the
Sorting & Grouping box and drag ComplaintID and Complaint into this header.
The Symptoms will go in the Details section.

Tables: Complaints (fields:
IllnessDetails (Fields: Joined to complaints by
IlnsDtlComplaintID 1-many), IllnessDetailID,
Symptoms (fields: joined to Illness details by
SymIllnessDetailID (1-many),

The fields in the Illness Detail table all require only set of data in each
field, except symptoms. A person can have more than one symptom, ie,
vomiting, cramps, body ache, etc. I have a form for complaints, with a
subform for Illness Details. The symptoms are a subform of the Illness
Details subform. The problem I'm having is attempting to print a report
(Format can not be changed)that is set up with information in report in
justified form. When there is more than one symptom, my report will not just
print out the symptoms in its designated box. It repeats the Illness detail
information along with each symptom. I hope this is not too confusing Your
help is greatly appreciated. .--
Nancy B.
I hope I haven't misunderstood what you want:

You may need to check a) if your database structure is correct, b) if your
Query if correct.
I think the Database should look (roughly) like this
You've got a Complaints table
ComplaintID (whatever your Primary Key field is called)

Then the Symptoms Table
SymptomID (Primary Key field)

Then the IllnessDetails table which has
IllnessDetailID (Primary Key Field)
SymptomID (link *from* the Symptoms Table *to this table)
ComplaintID (link *from* the Complaint Table)
and any other relevant fields.

If you have this structure then first add all of your IllnessDetails table
to the Query grid including ComplaintID
Then add ComplaintName (but not ComplaintID) from the Complaint Table
and Symptom (but not SymptomID) from the Symtom Table.

Insert a Report based on this query.

Use the Sorting & Grouping button in the report's Design view so that it is
grouped first by Complaint (so that you can have your Alphabetical Order)
Under that you can have ComplaintID . Give ComplaintID a Header in the
Sorting & Grouping box and drag ComplaintID and Complaint into this header.
The Symptoms will go in the Details section.


I agree with Nancy B

fist you need to make sure that you table structure is correct

I would
lllnessList primary key(illnessID )
symptons list primary key(illnessID symptonID)

in the report link the two table on illness id 1 to many

then group 1 illnsessID
group 2 sympton id

common cold Blah blah blay
I have a form complaints, with a subform for Illness Details, the symptoms
are a subform of the subform Illness details. Could this be the problem.
Maybe the symptoms should be a separate subform of the complaints? Right now
the way everything is connected works. My problem is in printing a report
(the report is actually a Form our office currently uses). The Symptom field
is the only one on the report that has the potential for multiple values.
Hence, my problem. I need to figure out how to get the multiple values to
print . Any ideas?
I would think your report could either be grouped by the primary fields from
you main form, subform, and subsubform or you could use subreports like you
are currently using subforms. Make sure your record sources are similar.
you say your 'report is actually a form'

Do you really mean that you are actually trying to print the Form rather
than creating a proper Report?
