Ok, I'm working on this computer here are the specs:
1.6 Ghz Intel P4
350 Watt Power supply
512 DDR ram
Gigabyte mobo 8IE800
Ok, they called me up, I came over and they said that the monitor died.
I looked, power was running through the computer, mouse was on and
everything. Changed the monitors, it work... an hour later it died,
back to square one. then I changed the power supply,. thinking the 5V
was acting up, since maybe the 12V worked so everything inside of the
case worked except now the mouse, keyboard and montor are off.
So I get a new power supply throw it in, hook it up and it works. 2
hours later it died again. now heres my question before I go buy more
parts. Qould this be a CPU problem? or Motherboard problem. I've heard
that it could be either or. now how can I go about testing this with
this being the only crappy pentinum I have access to?
1.6 Ghz Intel P4
350 Watt Power supply
512 DDR ram
Gigabyte mobo 8IE800
Ok, they called me up, I came over and they said that the monitor died.
I looked, power was running through the computer, mouse was on and
everything. Changed the monitors, it work... an hour later it died,
back to square one. then I changed the power supply,. thinking the 5V
was acting up, since maybe the 12V worked so everything inside of the
case worked except now the mouse, keyboard and montor are off.
So I get a new power supply throw it in, hook it up and it works. 2
hours later it died again. now heres my question before I go buy more
parts. Qould this be a CPU problem? or Motherboard problem. I've heard
that it could be either or. now how can I go about testing this with
this being the only crappy pentinum I have access to?