I've got a longstanding project that's been working fine for about a year.
I was working on one of the pages, a simple download page. After making a
little tweak on the page, I tried to re-run the project and got the error:
The server block is not well formed. Page: FileDownload.aspx, line 23935.
Now, there are only about 50 lines on this page, so something's off. I've
tried rebooting. I've tried Rebuild Solution. I've deleted the page from
the entire project, rebooted, and tried Rebuild Solution. I've rebuilt the
project from VSS. I still get the same error.
Please help if you can!
Thanks, Jim
I've got a longstanding project that's been working fine for about a year.
I was working on one of the pages, a simple download page. After making a
little tweak on the page, I tried to re-run the project and got the error:
The server block is not well formed. Page: FileDownload.aspx, line 23935.
Now, there are only about 50 lines on this page, so something's off. I've
tried rebooting. I've tried Rebuild Solution. I've deleted the page from
the entire project, rebooted, and tried Rebuild Solution. I've rebuilt the
project from VSS. I still get the same error.
Please help if you can!
Thanks, Jim