HELP - IE Connection Problems



I have intermittent problems connecting via IE to the internet via dial up. The connection window and modem shows that I am connected, but half the time I can't open any pages up and get the "page cannot be found" error page. I am running XP SP1, have installed all available critical updates, have contacted my ISP, manually typed in my DNS, and have had my phone line checked out




Hi Paul,

I have intermittent problems connecting via IE to the internet via dial up. The connection window and modem shows that I am connected, but half the time I can't open any pages up and get the "page cannot be found" error page. I am running XP SP1, have installed all available critical updates, have contacted my ISP, manually typed in my DNS, and have had my phone line checked out.

Error Message:"Page Cannot be Displayed" When You Browse the Internet;en-us;812336


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