HELP: IE 6 Uninstall Problems-Details Enclosed



Trying to uninstall IE 6.0.2600.0000 and this is what
I go to Add/Remove then select Microsoft Internet Explorer
6 and Internet Tools. I then click on Add/Remove and the
options come up under the window - Internet Explorer 6 and
Internet Tools
-Add a component
-Repair IE
-Restore the previous Windows Configuration (This option
is greyed out)

When I select "add a component" i get a message that says -
"Cannot find windows setup files on this computer. Please
choose windows update under your IE tools Menu to add
component to IE.

When I select Repair IE It just goes through repair
process. It does not change anything however. It still
will not allow me to uninstall. IE 6 has taken over my
system. I just want to completely remove IE and reinstall
it fresh from the IE site. Please help! Thanks...LAT


This isn't going to be very helpful, but... Do you have
Windows XP? I don't begin to understand details, but IE
in XP can't be separated from the entire OS. If you want
to go back to IE as it came to you originally you have to
completely reload XP. My problem with IE6 was resolved
by installing XP SP1a, but I don't have the expertise to
advise you on whether this would help you.

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