I have a Windows XP, obviously, on a Compaq desktop. Yesterday, I turned on my computer like any other day. Before it got to the user screen, a DOS screen came up saying the there was an error with the configuration. It said to select "r" to restart Windows. I did this a couple times, and all it did was restart the computer and take me right back to the DOS screen. On one of the screens that has Compaq or Windows on it, the were options to press certain buttons for certain things. I press the one saying "F10 System Recovery". I went through a long process as if I just bought the computer. When that was done, I finally got to my desktop, and it was a different background. Some of my desktop icons were still there and some were ones that shouldn't have been there. My internet desktop was AOL, when I have HughesNet. I got that changed. All of my pictures,videos,documents, and music are gone. My Favorites are the ones I had last year. My users aren't there anymore either. Can someone tell me how I can fix this, please?!