Yesterday, I spent the day working on my accounts, and when I returned
to the desktop my 'programs' folder was gone. I had created this
folder some time ago to hold the shortcuts to most of my applications,
including NAV, Open Office, Adobe, HP 950 printer, etc). Now the
entire folder is gone, and the shortcuts are nowhere to be seen. In
fact the executable programs are not even in the START>ALL PROGRAMS
menu. Their .exe's do exist in Windows Explorer though, if I can only
fine them all - to recreate the shortcuts. But what could have
to the desktop my 'programs' folder was gone. I had created this
folder some time ago to hold the shortcuts to most of my applications,
including NAV, Open Office, Adobe, HP 950 printer, etc). Now the
entire folder is gone, and the shortcuts are nowhere to be seen. In
fact the executable programs are not even in the START>ALL PROGRAMS
menu. Their .exe's do exist in Windows Explorer though, if I can only
fine them all - to recreate the shortcuts. But what could have