Help, i cant open my files anymore.



hi, im fairly new to computers but seemed to be doing ok until i allowed my
neice & her friend to play games on it. now i cant open some of my files as
its saying 'dont know what programe created it' especially DLL files. can
anyone help me sort this out? also i seem to need digital signed drivers, (i
dont even know what these are) this is win xp, i bought this pc in january &
everything was fine until 2 weeks ago when my neice used this. id be so
gratful for any help thanks Ellen

Sharon F

hi, im fairly new to computers but seemed to be doing ok until i allowed my
neice & her friend to play games on it. now i cant open some of my files as
its saying 'dont know what programe created it' especially DLL files. can
anyone help me sort this out? also i seem to need digital signed drivers, (i
dont even know what these are) this is win xp, i bought this pc in january &
everything was fine until 2 weeks ago when my neice used this. id be so
gratful for any help thanks Ellen

Why are you trying to open DLL files? There's no need to do so. Programs
will access those files as they need them.

What are you doing to get the message about digitally signed drivers?

Drivers that have been tested and approved by a lab for use with XP are
signed drivers. These are usually older but stable drivers.

Unsigned drivers have not been tested and approved. This doesn't mean that
the drivers won't work. Since the testing process takes time, newer better
drivers often appear at manufacturers' websites before they're available at
the Windows Updates. Granted a "bum" version of a driver crops up now and
then but these are usually corrected very quickly.

If a signed driver is replaced with an unsigned driver, you can use Driver
Rollback in Device Manager to go back to the previous signed version.
Details are in XP's Help and Support.

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