I've got an HP 812C awhile back. I've only printed text and
very little color. A few days ago I created a drawing, ran print.
respones I got an error saying my picture wasn't setup for paper size.
Is it my drawing program that caused this ? anyway Is their a
printing maintenace program out in WWW that Print and uses all ink jets
running a test ? also
How important are printer cables ? mine years, could it be time. Do
they faulter ? Thanks
I've got an HP 812C awhile back. I've only printed text and
very little color. A few days ago I created a drawing, ran print.
respones I got an error saying my picture wasn't setup for paper size.
Is it my drawing program that caused this ? anyway Is their a
printing maintenace program out in WWW that Print and uses all ink jets
running a test ? also
How important are printer cables ? mine years, could it be time. Do
they faulter ? Thanks