HELP | how to pass data from main window to IE sidebar with javasc

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I am trying to (ab)use the sidebar (aka explorer bar) in IE for something.

What i would like to do, is open a page in this search panel which containts
a DIV or IFRAME. I would like to use javascript to dynamically write content
into this container from the main window.

My questions is: how the heck do i do this?

I don't know what the method is for passing data to DIV in the sidebar. Is
it a frame? Is it a window? Do i use parent.document.frames[0] to talk to it?
Or window.document.getbyID("DIV name")???


Help me obi-wan kenobe, you're my only hope!

Hi Doon,

Have a look at Related.htm (It should be in your Windows/Web folder) to see
how it works.

Another solution may be a COM component to pass the info between the 2
Internet_Explorer_Server windows. The Search assistant customization dialog
uses the inbuilt SearchAssistantObject (SAO) to read and write registry
values to and from the Search Explorer Bar.

Just a side thought, so far Version 7 of IE has no Search Explorer Bar.
Don't forget to code for other browsers and Do No Evil!
