help, how to get email arrival sounds?



can anybody help with an seemingly obvious problem?
i'm not getting any email arrival sound alerts. However, my XP Pro
system sound is working and Outlook 2003's standard
options are set as follows -
Tools->Options->Preferences->EmailOptions->AdvancedEmailOptions-> "play
sound" box is checked and DesktopAlertSettings are set to show the standard
long, flat rectangular DesktopAlert.
Tools->Options->MailSetup-> Send/Receive is set to show new messages every
1 minute.
Tools->Other->AdvancedOptions->the "provide feedback with sound" box IS

when I email myself directly from Outlook or from another web email account,
i get
no sound whatever upon arrival of email! Is it obvious what the problem
could be?

I'd be so grateful for any expert pointers!!

Richard Chiang Pan, Washington, DC, USA 202 829-9732


can anybody help with an seemingly obvious problem?
i'm not getting any email arrival sound alerts. However, my XP Pro
system sound is working and Outlook 2003's standard
options are set as follows -
Tools->Options->Preferences->EmailOptions->AdvancedEmailOptions-> "play
sound" box is checked and DesktopAlertSettings are set to show the standard
long, flat rectangular DesktopAlert.
Tools->Options->MailSetup-> Send/Receive is set to show new messages every
1 minute.
Tools->Other->AdvancedOptions->the "provide feedback with sound" box IS

when I email myself directly from Outlook or from another web email account,
i get
no sound whatever upon arrival of email! Is it obvious what the problem
could be?
1) One minute is too short of an interval between mail polling checks. Try
raising it to at least 10 minutes.
2) Are these messages going to your main Inbox folder? If not, you will not
get a sound when a new message arrives.

Email Client: Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
News Client (Text): Forté Agent 2.0
News Client (Binaries): News Rover 10.1

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