Help How do i

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this is a newsgroup for the microsoft project Access ...

however, if you are using frontpage (and given the fact that you've posted
the question there also, i'm assuming you are) choose Insert / Component
from the menu and choose Hit Counter (this is in 2000 - i think they changed
the menu structure slightly in 2002/2003 ... but its under the Insert menu
anyway) - however, the server that is hosting your web page needs to have
Frontpage Server Extensions installed for this to work.

alternatively there are a number of 'free' hit counters available at various
web sites .. which come with some advertising ... which you can use on your
site if Frontpage Server Extensions are not enable. You should be able to
find these using a google search (

Thanks julieD
I did not know that the frontpage extentions had to be installed. (now i
know why it did not work :-) ....)
Will try google