I'd like to use exit path custom animation (i.e. disappear) in my
presentation, however I don't want to have any specified sequence. I want to
be able to click on the object, shape, and/or text box and it disappears to
reveal the text behind it - however I want this to occur randomly based on
which box I click (i.e. think of Jeopardy - if someone calls out a $300
answer box, that's actually the 3rd in sequence, not the first - but then the
next contestant calls out for $1000 in another column, etc.). How can I do
presentation, however I don't want to have any specified sequence. I want to
be able to click on the object, shape, and/or text box and it disappears to
reveal the text behind it - however I want this to occur randomly based on
which box I click (i.e. think of Jeopardy - if someone calls out a $300
answer box, that's actually the 3rd in sequence, not the first - but then the
next contestant calls out for $1000 in another column, etc.). How can I do