Help! horizontal 'stripes' in DV-AVI format .....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Erwin
  • Start date Start date


Hello there,

I just found out when I recorded / imported a video in WMM2, all goes pretty
good the way I want it, but:

It seems that the piixels "dont keep up with the moving of the camera".
With moving images there appear lots of horizontal stripes and some pixels
"move with a delay".... or something
Sorry for my poor English ........... I hope that you understand what I
It is very irritating I think..

I stored the video in DV-AVI format. When burning it on DVD the problem is
still there. What dit I oversee?

Many thanks for any suggestions.

newbe Erwin
Hello there,

This could be a codec issue, but if it is then it may be a codec I am not aware
of. It would not hurt to eliminate the known codecs and to that end you can
download the program from my site called Rename Codecs. Here is my stock answer
when it is likely a codec problem....there are several things in it that you
can try out...

There are two root causes and below you will find the solution for each
together with somes notes on other issues.


The one stop solution for that is a program called Rename Codecs and it is
available from my web site (Free). Make sure you check out the FAQ, on the
site, on what it does and how to run it (That will take about one minute of
your time!!) All the info you need is on the web site.

This reassuringly safe to use program requires no knowledge on your part about
what it is doing or how it is doing it or what it is doing it too!!! neither do
you need to know where any of these files are or whether it is safe to rename
them or not.....and best of all, ITS FREE !!!


If this does not solve your problem then try the following has proved
to be a successful procedure for a variety of problems.

1) Download the full version of DirectX Ver 9.0b, Media Player 9 and Movie
Maker 2.

2) Reboot you computer and Install DirectX

3) Reboot again and install Windows Media Player 9

4) Reboot yet again and install Movie Maker 2

5) Reboot one more time

Yes it sounds very tedious, but if you want to be certain all file locks are
removed so that the correct files can be installed this is the way you have to

It is very important that you only download the full versions of these programs
and that you DO NOT attempt an install over the internet.

Other Notes

There is in my view some very bad advice floating around that tells you to
unregister the offending codec. If you take this advise be warned that
unregistering any file and doing it wrong will more than likely stop the
program that file belongs to from working all together and may in an extreme
situation cause your entire XP system to fail. This is true whether you make a
mistake using the Registry editor or the registration program itself, one
mistake and you are potentially in deep trouble. Whatever you unregister in
this manner has to be restored and you should take note that the registration
of a codec can often involve more than one registry entry. If you are expert in
these matters you will have no problem.

I have also found that MP3, Mpeg and Jpeg files can cause problems, So...

Convert all MP3 to WAV

Convert all MPeg to AVI

Convert all Jpeg to BMP

For Video Conversion you should also check out the Knowledge Base Section of my
"Great Links" One of the websites in there "Video Help" has the best collection
of usefull information I have yet come across on converting between the various
formats together with links to the software needed.
Many thanks for your help but sorry,

but I can't acces the site.
My English is not very well, so I might not understand it well enough, but I
think it is closed because some people caused trouble ?

I am very interrested in the rename codec program, but cant reach it (yet)

Hi Erwin --

It may be that your camera records interlaced video.

Interlacing artifacts would appear in the manner you are describing --
horizontal lines that get worse when there's a lot of side-to-side movement
in the video (this is sometimes called "banding" or "combing"). The field
that stores interlaced/progressive information is stored per frame, and MM
doesn't modify this information when capturing from your camera.

Recording to WMV, or publishing to WMV would get rid of the problem, as
Movie Maker only offers progressive WMV profiles. But chances are that your
DVD software doesn't directly support WMV.

Perhaps someone with more experience in creating DVDs can offer suggestions
about what format is best for DVD creation, and what tools are available to
accomplish that task....?

Wish I could offer more insight...
-Kristen Miller [MS]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Yeah, that is exactly the problem, but I was thinking;

In earlyer recordings I uses WMM2 to import my vids, without any problems.
But after reinstalling XP, I imported the vid in WMM1. Thén I installed /
upgraded WMM2.
Maybe that could be the cause?
As said earlier, my first recordings had NO problem at all.

Maybe I have to imprt again in WMM2.............................

Kristen Miller said:
Hi Erwin --

It may be that your camera records interlaced video.

Interlacing artifacts would appear in the manner you are describing --
horizontal lines that get worse when there's a lot of side-to-side movement
in the video (this is sometimes called "banding" or "combing"). The field
that stores interlaced/progressive information is stored per frame, and MM
doesn't modify this information when capturing from your camera.

Recording to WMV, or publishing to WMV would get rid of the problem, as
Movie Maker only offers progressive WMV profiles. But chances are that your
DVD software doesn't directly support WMV.

Perhaps someone with more experience in creating DVDs can offer suggestions
about what format is best for DVD creation, and what tools are available to
accomplish that task....?

Wish I could offer more insight...
-Kristen Miller [MS]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Erwin said:
Hello there,

I just found out when I recorded / imported a video in WMM2, all goes pretty
good the way I want it, but:

It seems that the piixels "dont keep up with the moving of the camera".
With moving images there appear lots of horizontal stripes and some pixels
"move with a delay".... or something
Sorry for my poor English ........... I hope that you understand what I
It is very irritating I think..

I stored the video in DV-AVI format. When burning it on DVD the problem is
still there. What dit I oversee?

Many thanks for any suggestions.

newbe Erwin
And indeed, my software to make DVD's dont accept the windows media files,
so I have to make AVI files or convert them to MPEG2 or something ........

Kristen Miller said:
Hi Erwin --

It may be that your camera records interlaced video.

Interlacing artifacts would appear in the manner you are describing --
horizontal lines that get worse when there's a lot of side-to-side movement
in the video (this is sometimes called "banding" or "combing"). The field
that stores interlaced/progressive information is stored per frame, and MM
doesn't modify this information when capturing from your camera.

Recording to WMV, or publishing to WMV would get rid of the problem, as
Movie Maker only offers progressive WMV profiles. But chances are that your
DVD software doesn't directly support WMV.

Perhaps someone with more experience in creating DVDs can offer suggestions
about what format is best for DVD creation, and what tools are available to
accomplish that task....?

Wish I could offer more insight...
-Kristen Miller [MS]
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Erwin said:
Hello there,

I just found out when I recorded / imported a video in WMM2, all goes pretty
good the way I want it, but:

It seems that the piixels "dont keep up with the moving of the camera".
With moving images there appear lots of horizontal stripes and some pixels
"move with a delay".... or something
Sorry for my poor English ........... I hope that you understand what I
It is very irritating I think..

I stored the video in DV-AVI format. When burning it on DVD the problem is
still there. What dit I oversee?

Many thanks for any suggestions.

newbe Erwin
What you are describing sounds like an interlacing artifact.
DV-AVI (NTSC) is interlaced video captured at ~60 fields per

When displayed without deinterlacing, successive pairs of
fields are interlaced to form frames which are displayed at
~30 frames per second.

So the even lines displayed in each frame were actually
recorded at a different moment in time than the odd lines.
In scenes with little motion, this artifact is hardly
noticeable. But the artifact becomes more pronounced (and
more annoying) when the scene contains significant motion.

I use TMPGEnc Plus to deinterlace and convert from DV-AVI
to MPEG-2 video. Then I import that MPEG-2 video into my
DVD Authoring software for burning.

Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Ok thank you for the answer.
But I have tried to encode to MPEG2 with TMPGEnc but somehow it failed.
The audio file went fine, but the videofile after encoding didn't work.
But: i will try that again, and chooce no interlace LOL

When you go through the project wizard, leave the source video
type set to interlace. Then in the filter settings, go to
other settings -> advanced, and choose one of the deinterlace
filters. Do this by checking the Deinterlace box, then double-
click on the word Deinterlace. You can try various deinterlace
filters and see the effect it will have on your video.

Be aware that the free version of TMPGEnc does not include
an MPEG-2 encoder. You need to purchase the Plus version for
that to work.

Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Thanks for your answer. I have the Plus version, but all mij output vids
dont work. Something is going wrong I think.
Can't check the results :-(

When I have news, I let you know

Hello Bob,

My version Plus has only MPEG 1 ....................
And my problem can't be solved. What to do now?


Thank you very much. I didn't use the program well and encoded with
interlace filter on "non".
Stupid me .......
Choosed Even field, and now it goes very well ....
