Help! have no idea what this is about! No symbols are loaded for any call stack frame ...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Nguyen
  • Start date Start date

Bill Nguyen

This popped up during the execution of a routine that accesses data from 2
different system.
Increase connection timeout won't help!

ContextSwitchDeadlock was detected
Message: The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x1af9b8 to
COM context 0x1afb28 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination
context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or
processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows messages.
This situation generally has a negative performance impact and may even lead
to the application becoming non responsive or memory usage accumulating
continually over time. To avoid this problem, all single threaded apartment
(STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such as
CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running


Bill said:
This popped up during the execution of a routine that accesses data from 2
different system.
Increase connection timeout won't help!

ContextSwitchDeadlock was detected

This message usually means that your code has entered an infinite loop,
either explicitly or by being caught in a deadlock situation. You
should look at your contention handling code - what mehcanisms do you
have for ensuring shared resources are synchronized correctly?

I speak in generalities because that's all you have given us :)