Help - (getting intermittent 404s)- This site's my last hope!

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A few months ago I started noticing that every nopw and then I was getting
"page not found" I would click refresh and then proceed.

But its been getting worse and worse and worse, and NOW, I get this problem
almost every other minue. I have to click refresh again and again and again
and after about 30 seconds I get the page i want, until it happens all over
again in another few minutes....

Ive tried everything... different browsers (same problem) different machiens
but same connection (problem goes away, so its THIS machine)

I noticedn that this happens on anything where there is a request for
internet access (eg MSN messenger sometimes reports no web access too) this
also happens in Opera too.

This is driving me insane as I have a broadband connection and all my (less
important) other computers dont have this problem even though they are ion
the same network and router and hb and (etc etc)

ANY help DESPERATELY appreciated!!! I cant EVEn upgrade to Win XP Pro to
"upgrade myself out of this" as microsoft refuses to allow me to use my legit
Windpows XP Pro CD (!?>!?>!??!?!!) huh?? excuse me??)

Anyway, many thanks for any suggested. My thoughts are that some obscure web
related DLL is corrupted but hey, how on earth am I to know which one!

Best regards

(e-mail address removed).(no-spam_
Current Windows version?

Running MS Windows AntiSpyware Beta1?...

After you run Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta), you have network-related
problems, or you receive an error message:;en-us;892350


Find and remove the hijackers which caused/are causing the problem:

Help with Hijackware
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (Shell, IE/OE) & Security

Mastering Newsgroups in Outlook Express
Hi Pa

Im using Win 2k SP4 not running "Running MS Windows AntiSpyware Beta1?..."

I AM running and make regular "safety" cleaning of Spybot and adaware. I
also regularly update my norton 2004 AV defs too..

So not sure where that leaves me. I WILL try the winsock fix but doubt that
will help and have just forced a reinstall of my ie6 sp2, but again doubt
that will help.

This is ALL so odd... Its slowly suffocating my use of the internet on this

Do let me know of any other suggestions. And also whats up with this not
being allowed o upgrade my win2k to XP pro unless i buy a special upgrade
disk? Thats a farily raw deal. ;-)

...a reinstall of my ie6 sp2, but again
doubt that will help.

Reinstalling IE won't help if /Windows/ is infected, as I suspect. (There is
no IE6 SP2.)

Furthermore, you must uninstall any post IE6-SP1 Win2K SPs before you
uninstall/reinstall IE.

When all else fails, HijackThis
( is the preferred tool to use.
It will help you to both identify and remove any hijackware/spyware. **Post
your log to, or
for expert analysis, not here.**
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (Shell, IE/OE) & Security

Mastering Newsgroups in Outlook Express
** I agreee but Im running out of options. I tried it and yes it didnt work.
And even so, the process of removing looks so horrendous (in terms rolling
back umerous Microsoft hotfixes and patches that I'd probably never get that
right anyway...)

So.. what else? I tried that hotfix file (by the way that was a dead link
but I did find it elsewhere at the site) and as you kindly suggested Ive
posted he log file here if
the file means anything to you (it doesnt to me sadly)

Ive also pasted into a TXT file the other information report it generates,
and you can find this at

You said that tool can help me to fix things but I need to know really, what
it is thats broken. At the moment I have about a hundred check boxes and a
button that says fix, but I dont know what the right entry is to "meddle with"

Do let me know if the information files prove to reveal the problem? This
is very frystrating as Im one of those users that always used antivirus
software and often updated all the many many patches from Msoft, and still I
end up with a damaged IP stack (Dont think its the browser itself as Opera
has the same problems)

As does MSN Messenger sometimes as does Cute FTP (ie they ALL need endless
REFRESHES until finally i "break through" to the web for another 10 minutes
before the process cuts me off again..

Speak soon?! :-)

By the way I ALSO ran winsockfix and that also seemed to make little or no

Basically without trahsing the whole OS and all the apps Ive installed and
paid for over the last 4 years (simply not an option) what CAN I resinstall
to throw a lassoe round the whole problem rather than "fix this" "patch that"

Is there an entire IP layer somewhere beneath the browser that I can simply
re-install? I know Microsoft spent most of the 90s ensuring that it was
imposisble to know where the OS ends and IE starts (with all the problems
that that creates for easily damaged browsers worldwide) but I'd like totry
and identify any way I can to sort this out.

Ive used Spybot, Adaware, Hijackthis,Winsockfix, IE6 SP1 Norton AV2005...
Sorry P.S. number 2

Its not actually 404's I get by the way, its DNS errors "The page you are
looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing
technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings."

In as much as its always htting that "dnserror.htm" file in the local hard
drive i.e. "system32/shdoclc.dll/dnserror.htm"

Does that change anything or confirm anything?


When you get the error, go to a Command prompt and run the command
ipconfig /all
Make sure that the resulting display correctly identifies your IP address,
gateway, DHCP status, and DNS servers.
Compare this information to another PC on the same network.
Hi Gary

Yup. Did that and they are all 100% identical (except naturally for the IP
thats handed to each client by the DCHP)

Oersonally I think its as a result of damage caused by hijacking. Whilkst
the machines now CLEAN and FREE of all that stuff, Im left with a damaged
pathway somkewhere between IE6 and the Network adapter. But no-one seems to
be able to tell me where. Ive tried...

--Uninstalling and resinstalling Ie6 SP1
--Running Spybot
--running adaware
--runnign Norton Antivirus 2005 full scan
--running Winsock Repair....
--All patches hotfixes

I NEED a WINDOS IE6 REPAIR tool !!! Someone please write one ????! ;-)

Win 2k sp4
Ie6 sp1
I wonder if it's that Protowall firewall (NIC card-based, using an IP
blacklist) that's causing the issue.
The entry below that looks funny, too. However, as Robear mentioned, you
really need to post your HJT log file to one of the forums he mentioned to
have a real expert interpret it.
Or the other HijackThis Logs forums listed here:

To learn more about the HJT log output, see the tutorial here: