I've just spent three hours trying to get my video card working.
I had a system put together minus a graphics card because I wanted to
install a Jetway Radeon 9550(95LXAD256C) card that I have.
Unfortunately, I'm having problems. With the card plugged into the AGP
slot, when I get one beep, followed by three quick beeps when I power
up, and there is no signal whatsoever going to the display.
Since I get no signal to the monitor at all, my options seem limited.
When the system was built, a Diamond Stealth II G460 8MB was used, and
then taken out before the system was given to me.
The motherboard is an Asus CUV4X and all of the chips on the video card
itself are hard-wired.(For what it's worth, I see a bank of 8 dip
switches on the motherboard. All positioned upwards, except #4.)
I know nothing about IRQ conflicts, and would be nervous about messing
with them since the guy who put the system together knew what he was
doing, and I don't.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.
I had a system put together minus a graphics card because I wanted to
install a Jetway Radeon 9550(95LXAD256C) card that I have.
Unfortunately, I'm having problems. With the card plugged into the AGP
slot, when I get one beep, followed by three quick beeps when I power
up, and there is no signal whatsoever going to the display.
Since I get no signal to the monitor at all, my options seem limited.
When the system was built, a Diamond Stealth II G460 8MB was used, and
then taken out before the system was given to me.
The motherboard is an Asus CUV4X and all of the chips on the video card
itself are hard-wired.(For what it's worth, I see a bank of 8 dip
switches on the motherboard. All positioned upwards, except #4.)
I know nothing about IRQ conflicts, and would be nervous about messing
with them since the guy who put the system together knew what he was
doing, and I don't.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
Darren Harris
Staten Island, New York.