Help getting current user email address using Outlook Redemption???

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kristy
  • Start date Start date


I am using an Exchange Server, Office XP, and have written a Com
add-in (VB6) and I need to get the default email address of the
current user.

I have been using this, which works OK but the
'objSession.CurrentUser' invokes security prompts ...

Set golApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objSession = golApp.CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
objSession.Logon "", "", False, False
Set objAddressEntry = objSession.CurrentUser
Set objFields = objAddressEntry.Fields
Set objMailAddresses = objFields.item(PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES)

If Not objMailAddresses Is Nothing Then
strAddresses = objMailAddresses.Value

For IntCounter = LBound(strAddresses) To UBound(strAddresses)
strSMTP = strAddresses(IntCounter)


I would like to bypass the security prompts and have purchased Outlook
Redemption to help me with this, however I can't get it to work...

Set golApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNameSpace = golApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objAddressEntry = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeCurrentUser")
Set objFields = objAddressEntry.Fields 'error occurring here
Set objMailAddresses = objFields.item(PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES)

If Not objMailAddresses Is Nothing Then
strAddresses = objMailAddresses.Value

For IntCounter = LBound(strAddresses) To UBound(strAddresses)
strSMTP = strAddresses(IntCounter)


I am getting an error "wrong number of arguments or invalid property
assignment" on the following line

Set objFields = objAddressEntry.Fields

Am I going about this completely the wrong way? I have tried all sorts
of different methods from posts I have found but am not getting
anywhere, I am a newbie and my brain is about to explode, does anyone
have a code example of how to achieve this?

Please help me!
Unlike CDO, where Fields property on various objects returns a collection
(object), Fields in Redemption is an array property:

Set objFields = objAddressEntry.Fields 'error occurring here
Set objMailAddresses = objFields.item(PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES)
If Not objMailAddresses Is Nothing Then
strAddresses = objMailAddresses.Value

strAddresses = objAddressEntry.Fields(PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES)
and check the return value type. If the propetty is missing, you will get
back Empty, otherwise a variant array of strings.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool
Worked first time, no security prompts whatsoever! Thank you so much,
I have a lot of work to do with redemption over the next month (far
less than if I had to learn a whole other programming language though
- what an awesome product Redemption is) and from the first 2 lines of
your reply I already understand so much more.

Hi All,

My user is getting an email id in below format. Can you please help me out on which property it give such address?

'/o=companyname/ou=first administrative group/cn=recipients/cn=486bd8b1-715acc23-49257142-28f3f7

Please find below the code flow

Private Function GetRecipEmailAddress(ByRef oAddrEntry As Object) As String
Dim eMail As String

' Try the SMTP address 1st.
eMail = oAddrEntry.Fields(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)

' Look at all the email properties.
If Len(eMail) = 0 Then
Dim emailAddresses As Variant

' Get an array of addresses for this recipient.
emailAddresses = oAddrEntry.Fields(PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES)
If (Not IsEmpty(emailAddresses)) Then
Dim r As Long
Dim foundSmtp As Boolean

foundSmtp = False

' Iterate through all the address. We assume the address
' with the capital SMTP: prefix is the main address, but
' if one is not found, then we use the first address with
' a lower case smtp:
For r = LBound(emailAddresses) To UBound(emailAddresses)

' See if this the main address.
If (Left(emailAddresses(r), 5) = "SMTP:") Then

' Found it so we are done.
eMail = Trim(Mid(emailAddresses(r), 6))
Exit For
ElseIf Not foundSmtp Then

' We have not found the address, so if this is an
' smtp address, then use it and set the flag.
If (Left(emailAddresses(r), 5) = "smtp:") Then
eMail = Trim(Mid(emailAddresses(r), 6))
foundSmtp = True
End If
End If
Next r
End If
End If

' Try the email prop next.
If Len(eMail) = 0 Then
eMail = oAddrEntry.Fields(PR_EMAIL)
End If

' Try the email address prop last.
If Len(eMail) = 0 Then
eMail = oAddrEntry.Fields(PR_EMAILADDRESS)
End If

GetRecipEmailAddress = eMail
End Function

Thanks in Advance