HELP Getting back on to computer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ellie
  • Start date Start date


I can't log on to computer won't allow me to get on as
administrator. How can i get back on to my computer is
there a way to override the password
Windows 2000 has probably locked the account due to too
many incorrect logon attempts.
Log onto another Account which is part of the
Administrator's group to change hte password of the
Administrator account.
You don't understand i have tried everything i can't even
get on as administrator and don't know what else to do
Go to control panel, users and passwords, and you can
change passwords there for administrator. Good luck.
If you don't know the local admin credentials, you'll probably want to find
one of the 'use at your own risk' password cracker utilities out there - do
a google search.
I'm having the same problem as my son changed the domain
at his friend's house. Now, we can't get the system to
move beyond the Log in Name/Password screen. The
suggestions haven't worked. Can anyone get more detailed?
In Ellie <[email protected]>
posted their concerns,
Then Kevin D4Dad added his reply at the bottom.
I can't log on to computer won't allow me to get on as
administrator. How can i get back on to my computer is
there a way to override the password

It sounds to me like you are caught between a rock and a hard spot. You
could spend the rest of your life trying to hit the right password for the
administrator. It is the only account that does not lock you out. The rest
of the accounts will probably get locked out and depending on the security
settings, they may unlock after a period of time or they may stay locked out
until an administrator unlocks them which is a catch if you can't log on as
an administrator.

If you could get on the computer you could try a password cracker program
but that is out if you can't get on to run it.

If it is connected to a network you could try to come in through the network
with a password cracker program.

Other than these suggestions you will have to reinstall a new copy of the OS
and overwrite the one you have, you will have to reinstall all your programs
with that option, but it may be the only on you have. As long as you don't
format the drive you can recover your files.
Please see replies to this post and search the NGs - 'password cracker'
questions are asked and answered daily. Much better than posting a "me too"
message that most people won't ever see.