Help... Frontpage -> Sharepoint kiss of death How do I fix my sit

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I need help with several aspects of sharepoint. I have posted similar
questions aroudn the net before and have yet to receive any reply on my
concerns. I knew frontpage was considered the sharpeoint kiss of death
before I began designing my sites but I didn't have anything better to work
with so I developed my sites using frontpage and now I need to know how to
fix frontpage's negative effects on my sharepoint sites.

In any of the document libraries, whose root site was edited with
sharpeoint, when i click the "Upload Document" button
I get sent to an address similar to the following

This address doesn't exist so I get a page not found error

If I edit the URL in the address bar and remove everything after 2003/Forms/Upload.aspx then the
upload page comes up fine.

Also if I click "edit properties" in any of my image libraries (once again
on all sites whose root page was edited with frontpage ) I goget sent to Images
Once again, if I remove the garbage off the end of the link in the address
bar I can get to Images/Forms/EditForm.aspx?ID=1

I've tried editing the links on the site and if I hover over them in IE or
firefox it shows the correct address, but once I click on it I still get sent
to the first address.

I followed the methods to edit sharepoint sites in frontpage according to
some microsoft articles I found. Where do I have to set the URL so that it
goes to the proper upload URL.

I've checked;EN-US;Q305059
and even though my upload site is upload.aspx, not upoload.htm I took a look
and they apear as they should.

This is only occuring on sites modified by frontpage. Sites created that I
haven't yet touched with frontpage work fine. I'm guessing Frontpage changes
the code somewhere, but where?

I have a data view that lists fields from an access database table. The
fields I'm intested in are hyperlinks to images stored in a picture library
on my sharpeoint site. I have right-clicked on these hyperlinks in frontpage
and selected format as a picture.

These are, however, very large pictures and I would like them to appear as
thumbnails. So here is where I right-click on one of them and select
auto-thumbnail. This is basically what I want.

The problem with this is that when I auto thumbnail the images in thsi web
part, it auto-thumbnails all
images with the same thumbnail image, not seperate thumbnail images for each
image. Changing the properties or hyperlink on one image
affects the rest of the images. If I don't auto thumbnail the images the
individual images appear when I filter through the webpart (I have web part
connections set up) but if I resize or change any properties on any of the
images they all change to the same image, just likte the thumbnails

Is there any way to get frontpage to properly support formatting of
sharepoint data views/web parts?
1) I'm don't see anything wrong with those URLs. The "RootFolder" and
"Source" URL parameters are perfectly normal to see on upload forms. At
what point can you reproduce this error? When you edit ANY page of a
site in FrontPage, or just when you edit the upload.aspx page?

2) The auto-thumbnail feature is a client-side feature, not a dynamic
server-side one. It's acting exactly how it was designed. If you want
to show a thumbnail of the picture in a picture library, you can use a
different field from that picture library to show the picture, and link
it to the full-size one. Data View Web Parts are the most powerful
feature of WSS, and I'd hate to think that this bad experience has
turned you off to using them! :)

Dustin Miller
SharePoint University (Community) []
SharePoint Bootcamp (Training) []
SharePoint Blogs (Blogs) []
SharePoint Experts (Business) []
Ok I've noticed some things now. These broken links are occuring on all my
sites, yet they work in IE when accessing it from the server. I only edited
on upload.aspx file... the rest were untouched. I'm going to migrate the
whole sharpeoint site tree over to a new server with a new domain name that
two SBS servers aren't sharing so if that doesn't fix things then I'll worry
about it again.

But for question 2, can you give me a more detailed explanation on how to
achieve what you mentioned? what do you mean by "you can use a
different field from that picture library to show the picture, and link
it to the full-size one." What type of data would his additional column
have anyway? Does this effectively display a thumbnailed version of the full
size image in the picture library, because thats what I'm looking for.
For Q2:

When you look at the Data View Details of a DVWP bound to a Picture
Library, you should have data values for "EncodedAbsThumbnailUrl" and
"EncodedAbsUrl". The first is the URL for the thumbnail created by
SharePoint automatically for you, and the second is the link to the
full-size image.

For example, the dvt_1.body section of a DVWP I recently built that
shows thumbnails (and links them to the full image) looks like this
(watch for wrapping):

<xsl:template name="dvt_1.body">
<xsl:param name="Rows"/>
<xsl:param name="FirstRow"/>
<xsl:param name="LastRow"/>
<xsl:for-each select="$Rows">
<xsl:variable name="KeepItemsTogether" select="false()"/>
<xsl:variable name="HideGroupDetail" select="false()"/>
<xsl:variable name="GroupStyle" select="'auto'"/>
<xsl:if test="(position() &gt;= $FirstRow and
position() &lt;= $LastRow) or $KeepItemsTogether">
<xsl:if test="not($HideGroupDetail)"
<tr style="display:{$GroupStyle}">
<td class="ms-vb"><a
href="{@EncodedAbsUrl}"><img border="0"

Dustin Miller
SharePoint University (Community) []
SharePoint Bootcamp (Training) []
SharePoint Blogs (Blogs) []
SharePoint Experts (Business) []
Ok I've noticed some things now. These broken links are occuring on all my
sites, yet they work in IE when accessing it from the server. I only edited
on upload.aspx file... the rest were untouched. I'm going to migrate the
whole sharpeoint site tree over to a new server with a new domain name that
two SBS servers aren't sharing so if that doesn't fix things then I'll worry
about it again.

But for question 2, can you give me a more detailed explanation on how to
achieve what you mentioned? what do you mean by "you can use a
different field from that picture library to show the picture, and link
it to the full-size one." What type of data would his additional column
have anyway? Does this effectively display a thumbnailed version of the full
size image in the picture library, because thats what I'm looking for.

Dustin Miller said:
1) I'm don't see anything wrong with those URLs. The "RootFolder" and
"Source" URL parameters are perfectly normal to see on upload forms. At
what point can you reproduce this error? When you edit ANY page of a
site in FrontPage, or just when you edit the upload.aspx page?

2) The auto-thumbnail feature is a client-side feature, not a dynamic
server-side one. It's acting exactly how it was designed. If you want
to show a thumbnail of the picture in a picture library, you can use a
different field from that picture library to show the picture, and link
it to the full-size one. Data View Web Parts are the most powerful
feature of WSS, and I'd hate to think that this bad experience has
turned you off to using them! :)

Dustin Miller
SharePoint University (Community) []
SharePoint Bootcamp (Training) []
SharePoint Blogs (Blogs) []
SharePoint Experts (Business) []