Help formating string



I have a string with n number of characters. I'm trying to create another string which is exactly 12 characters having leadings zeros and the input string at the end

ex: string1 = "7344", I want to format string1 such that it results another string with string1 at the end and leading zeros in front of it like: "000000007344

so I try string2=String.Format(??????,string1

does anyone know the correct formatting expression


William Ryan eMVP

I think you'll need to cast it to an int first so

int x = string.Parse(string1);//Must be able to be parsed or exception will
be thrown.


This will cause it to be 12 long with the difference between the lengths
shown in 0's
Opa said:
I have a string with n number of characters. I'm trying to create another
string which is exactly 12 characters having leadings zeros and the input
string at the end.
ex: string1 = "7344", I want to format string1 such that it results
another string with string1 at the end and leading zeros in front of it
like: "000000007344"

Barry Burton

While using PadLeft, as others have suggested, is a more elegant solution,
you COULD use string.Format as follows:

string s1 = "7344";
string s2 = string.Format( "{0:000000000000}", int.Parse( s1 ));

The result would be the same...


Opa said:
I have a string with n number of characters. I'm trying to create another
string which is exactly 12 characters having leadings zeros and the input
string at the end.
ex: string1 = "7344", I want to format string1 such that it results
another string with string1 at the end and leading zeros in front of it
like: "000000007344"

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