Hi, the shortcut in the windows start menu only works in the admininstrators log on, I've tried to give permisssion to the other user profiles but I receive a HH.Exe error why is this happening and can I fix it easily. - also if I copy files from the administrator to another user do I lose the files in the administrator logon or do I still have the ability to logon to windows anyway, since this is supposed to able to log on in case of a lock out. 3rdly when I reloaded windows to see if that would correct the problem the o/s went into the C: drive and not into the D: like it was before the reinstall and when I checked it out it asks to be formatted. what can I do to fix these problems. please give me a simple type solution since I'm a novice user.
When talking to anyone, irrespective of medium, do not type with the Caps Lock key TURNED ON. It’s known as ‘shouting’, and is considered extremely rude and provocative.