Tyrith LeFaye
I just need some opinions for school... Is Windows Vista worth the money?
Tyrith said:I just need some opinions for school... Is Windows Vista worth the
I just need some opinions for school... Is Windows Vista worth the money?
Tyrith LeFaye said:I just need some opinions for school... Is Windows Vista worth the money?
XP would IMO be a better choice, you will not have any of the problemsTyrith said:I just need some opinions for school... Is Windows Vista worth the money?
Tyrith said:I just need some opinions for school... Is Windows Vista worth the
John said:XP would IMO be a better choice, you will not have any of the
problems associated with Vista--like its drivers.
Ken Blake said:I just replied to this question in another thread, posted 14 minutes
after this one. You asked the question twice. Please do not start two
threads on the same subject.
Tyrith said:I just need some opinions for school... Is Windows Vista worth the money?
Tyrith said:There's problems with Vista drivers?
That's a problem with the hardware manufacturers really - not Vista.
Everytime a new OS becomes available - hardware manufacturers have to
decide whether or not to support it (heck - they have to decide what
they support the day they release said product.)
If you have hardware that the manufacturer decided not to support
under Windows Vista - your issue is with the hardware manufacturer of
said product or with yourself for feeling the need to change
operating systems. ;-)
Tyrith said:I just need some opinions for school... Is Windows Vista worth the
John said:XP would IMO be a better choice, you will not have any of the
problems associated with Vista--like its drivers.
Shenan said:There's problems with Vista drivers?
That's a problem with the hardware manufacturers really - not Vista.
Everytime a new OS becomes available - hardware manufacturers have
to decide whether or not to support it (heck - they have to decide
what they support the day they release said product.)
If you have hardware that the manufacturer decided not to support
under Windows Vista - your issue is with the hardware manufacturer
of said product or with yourself for feeling the need to change
operating systems. ;-)
Or, the manufacturer who decided to not support said hardware but
didn't tell anyone, yet offered upgrades to XP. That way you don't
find out until after you've spent the money on their crap such as
Vista and version 7 which is being based heavily on Vista. Not
everyone knows the check first so IMO you cannot blame them in any
You very simply don't understand and cannot accept the fact that not
everyone is as smart as you.
What should one expect if he/she simply chooses to purchase the
latest? Enormous problems????
Tyrith said:I just need some opinions for school... Is Windows Vista worth the money?
Shenan Stanley said:<snip>
Are you saying that people are - in general - dumb?
I am not. Matter of fact - I make no mention of smart/dumb until now.
Common sense and intelligence are not the same.
I do not have to know the details on how my mattress is made in order to
research opinions on it or ask the people selling them (and not depend on
just one vendor/salesperson - but compare answers among several different
If someone just doesn't have the common sense to research before buying
something - let's say television for example - and they get it home and it
cannot connect to their cable box or their VCR or their game system
because it only has one type of connection - should they blame the TV
manufacturer or the VCR/cable box or game system manufacturer or
themselves or any or all of the above?
So - in general - yes, but no... If someone just goes out and purchases
the 'latest thing' without learning more about that thing than "it's the
newest thing, it is all the rave" - then they shouldn't necessarily
*expect* enormous problems - but if they have to jump through a few hoops
and/or buy some adapters and/or upgrade something else of theirs to make
the 'latest fad item' work - they should look at their own mistake of not
doing some simple research/asking of questions/thinking ahead before they
start pointing fingers at those who did not force the information down
their throat 'for their own good'.
Unknown said:You apparently have no knowledge of human nature.
Peter said:This is what I would call **A difference in opinion*** nothing more
and nothing less
and nothing less