I am using an external object called WebZinc to help parse web pages
in VB.net. I am trying to use a particular method following the
example in the help reference but am unable to get VB.net to recognize
it. The code example is:
Dim containsWordA As Boolean = New TextProcessor("my string containing
where TextProcessor is the object and ContainsWord is the method.
VB.net underlines the TextProcessor statement and indicates type not
recognized.I have included the Webzinc Namespace in the Objects
Directory and have used the Imports statement to reference the
namespace. When I browse the Object Directory, the Webzinc objects are
are visible. Other objects work fine. I suspect I have some sort of an
initialization problem.
I'm a newbie, so I suspect a simple mistake. I would appreciate any
in VB.net. I am trying to use a particular method following the
example in the help reference but am unable to get VB.net to recognize
it. The code example is:
Dim containsWordA As Boolean = New TextProcessor("my string containing
where TextProcessor is the object and ContainsWord is the method.
VB.net underlines the TextProcessor statement and indicates type not
recognized.I have included the Webzinc Namespace in the Objects
Directory and have used the Imports statement to reference the
namespace. When I browse the Object Directory, the Webzinc objects are
are visible. Other objects work fine. I suspect I have some sort of an
initialization problem.
I'm a newbie, so I suspect a simple mistake. I would appreciate any